“Knowledge is power”

Below are PAL’s current 9 “key” lessons and four supplemental lessons about addiction and recovery. Please utilize the core lessons in order and you may use the supplemental lessons as desired.  Following the lessons is a guide for each lesson with background information on each, notes, and points to help you drive home the key concepts. The information provided is significantly more than can be covered in one meeting and is designed to allow you to emphasize a variety of points in each lesson keeping it fresh for many weeks. The idea is that you can present each lesson many times and have new insights each time you present. Please notify the board if there are any errors or if you have any suggestions or further insights into the lessons at help@legacy.palgroup.org. Thank You!

Copyright © 2006 by Parents of Addicted Loved Ones (PAL) All rights reserved.

These publications may be used for MEETINGS or PERSONAL USE only. No part of these publications may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of Parents of Addicted Loved Ones (PAL).

PAL Resources

PAL’s 9 Lessons

Lesson 1. Delayed Emotional Growth Guide
Lesson 2. Three Promises to a Loved One Guide
Lesson 3. Helping: Healthy vs Unhealthy Guide
Lesson 4. Enabling Checklist Guide
Lesson 5. 4 Stages of Growth Guide  
Lesson 6. 13 Family Lessons About Recovery Guide
Lesson 7. Roles Addicted Loved Ones and Family Guide
Lesson 8. Understanding Re-Entry Guide
Lesson 9. Healthy Adult Relationships Guide
Supplemental. Respond Rather than React Guide
Supplemental. Understanding Addiction and the Brain Part 1 Guide
Supplemental. Understanding Addiction and the Brain Part 2 Guide
Supplemental. Six Steps for Families Guide
Kristen Smith Video
Kristen Smith Video Lesson Part 1 Guide
Kristen Smith Video Lesson Part 2 Guide
Lesson Enhancers. Questions to Enhance Lessons


PAL’s 9 Lessons in Spanish

Lección 1 de PAL Desarrollo emocional demorado Guía
Lección 2 de PAL Tres promesas a un ser querido que sufre de adicción Guía
Lección 3 de PAL Ayuda: Nociva vs. saludable Guía
Lección 4 de PAL Lista de comprobación de posibilitación Guía
Lección 5 de PAL Cuatro etapas de desarrollo de la recuperación Guía
Lección 6 de PAL Trece lecciones familiares acerca de la recuperación Guía
Lección 7 de PAL Papeles: Adicto/Alcohólico y la Familia Guía
Lección 8 de PAL Comprender acerca de reingreso, vida transicional y cuidados posteriore Guía
Lección 9 de PAL Relaciones sanas de adultos Guía
Lección suplementaria de PAL Responder en lugar de reaccionar Guía
Lección suplementaria de PAL Seis pasos que tomar por las familias Guía


We don’t receive wisdom; we must discover it for ourselves after a journey that no one can take for us or spare us.” -Marcel Proust