PAL Blog

Read stories and insights from parents and experts in addiction recovery. Everyone has a story, and by sharing, we can empower each other, and find paths forward – together.

A Parent’s Story

Articles by Parents Like You
PAL brought me back to life

PAL brought me back to life

            I have two boys and two beautiful granddaughters. Chris, my oldest, has always been incredibly intelligent, even as a small baby. He did everything early: he talked in sentences before he was a year old, he crawled by the time...

PAL made all the difference

PAL made all the difference

                I am married to a wonderful husband of 18 years, and we have one girl, two boys, two granddaughters and one grandson. My son, Cooper, was always active as a child. There was never a dull moment. He would make you...

Not our life to control

Not our life to control

            For many years I was a single mom. From the time my son, Drew, was young, he was a handful.  I kept thinking “he’ll grow out of it”.  His behavior and choices as young as age 12 were atypical for someone that age…stealing,...

The View from Recovery

Articles by People in Recovery
Letters from a decade in the future

Letters from a decade in the future

​​​​   Letters from a decade in the future You’ve been making mistakes and falling flat on your face for 12 years. You make the wrong choice in almost every circumstance and situation. You’ve struggled, suffered, and virtually let everyone in your life down a...

Journey to Sobriety…and Hope for Her Future

Journey to Sobriety…and Hope for Her Future

​​​​   IN HER OWN WORDS… As I sit on my bed alone, broken to the point of thinking I may not live, I still am not sure I can ever get sober, to be honest, I’m not even sure I want to. I start thinking that I have to do this, I have to do something, as I know the...

Vignettes – Part 5

Vignettes – Part 5

​​​​   December 2013. Downtown Phoenix. Lost. Broken. Emaciated. Sick. Gray December skies punctuate the morning as I climb the stairs to the emergency room doors. Banner Good Samaritan. Twenty-six years ago, I was born here. I snub my cigarette out with my shoe...

From Counselors

Articles by PAL and Partner Counselors
Crisis = Opportunity = Transformation

Crisis = Opportunity = Transformation

            With the new year upon us, tradition seems to suggest we look at things we would like to change in our lives. Although we certainly do not need to wait for a new year, if that is motivation, let’s seize it. For those who have...

“Why Me?”

“Why Me?”

                Dr. Don Middleton (excerpt from Chapter 2 of The Dunamis Effect: When Your Higher Power is Jesus) Whenever we are faced with difficulty, whether it is the end of an important relationship, an unexpected or...

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