PAL Blog

Read stories and insights from parents and experts in addiction recovery. Everyone has a story, and by sharing, we can empower each other, and find paths forward – together.

A Parent’s Story

Articles by Parents Like You
Intentional about taking care of myself

Intentional about taking care of myself

​ My oldest child was a great kid and a model teenager. He was smart, kind, responsible, polite and hard-working. I regularly received compliments about what a fine young man he was. I was so proud of him and considered him a product of good Christian parenting and...

It’s in God’s hands

It’s in God’s hands

​ I have two children, one with my first husband and one with my current husband. My son from my first marriage has never recovered from his father leaving us.  He has always been exceptionally bright, and he was a joy growing up. When he was 11 years-old, issues with...

I can’t change my daughter

I can’t change my daughter

​ Our family would be considered a typical family. My husband and I have been married for 31 years, we have a 29-year-old son who’s married with children and a 23-year-old daughter. Our daughter was always the social butterfly. She included the kids who were not...

The View from Recovery

Articles by People in Recovery
The story can have a happy ending

The story can have a happy ending

​​​​ I’m currently writing this post from the second floor of Banner Thunderbird Medical Center in Glendale, Arizona – the postpartum maternity ward to be exact. We welcomed our son Kaehler into the world. Needless to say, we’re overjoyed to finally have him here with...

Beauty is always there…if we take time to notice

Beauty is always there…if we take time to notice

​​​​ The other day while reading Station 11, a fictional apocalyptic story, I was struck by the prose and narrative in a way that granted me a moment of perspective. Despite society and civilization literally falling apart in this story, the human spirit persisted (we...

The life preserver was gone

The life preserver was gone

​​​​To this day, I vividly remember the calamity that was my life on a daily basis for so many years. The endless attempts to stay intoxicated – regardless of personal cost or consequence. Oblivious to the fact that the choices I made in these narcotic periods of haze...

From Counselors

Articles by PAL and Partner Counselors
Turning the spotlight on ourselves

Turning the spotlight on ourselves

​           I read in a book by Earnie Larsen* that there is scant difference between an abstaining chemically dependent person and a co-dependent person. Both have living problems, intimacy problems and issues with self-esteem. All these...

Am I a good role model for my adult children?

Am I a good role model for my adult children?

​​ At a recent PAL meeting a distressed mother said, “I’ve cut financial strings, my son no longer lives with me and I’m limiting how many phone calls I take because he only calls when he wants money or is in a crisis, so I guess there is nothing else I can do?” This...

Finding Joy While Waiting

Finding Joy While Waiting

​​ In PAL meetings we often talk about delayed emotional growth as well as delayed gratification. Our loved ones who are battling substance use disorder have tremendous difficulty with both of these behaviors. In the case of many of them, they began using substances...

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