Change A Life!

Welcome to the 6th Annual PAL Awareness Week — a week designed to introduce Parents of Addicted Loved Ones to hurting families by distributing PAL materials in communities across the country!

What is PAL Awareness Week?

    • August 17-25, 2024
    • Opportunity for PAL supporters all over the country to create awareness about PAL by distributing materials.
    • Recruit non-PAL parents who support our cause to help hand out materials.
    • Our goal is to distribute 75,000 pieces of literature.

Where can you take materials?

  • Police departments
  • Fire departments
  • Churches
  • Doctor offices
  • Hairdressers/Barbers
  • Hospitals & urgent care centers
  • Celebrate Recovery sites
  • Treatment & Recovery Centers
  • Counselor & psychologist offices
  • Grocery stores
  • Public defenders’ offices
  • Prosecutors
  • Local Businesses
  • Libraries
  • Post copies on social media

Take materials to any place that will accept, display and/or distribute them.

Contest – #PALaware

  • During Awareness Week, post pictures on your social media of the places where you’re passing out literature, the people you meet and even selfies of you and/or your group.
  • Tag your post(s) with #PALaware to be entered into a drawing for PAL swag, handmade gifts, and/or advertising for your meeting (limit one prize per person; 10 winners total).

Order Your Kit

  • Click HERE to order your kit (please note: in order to be received in time for Awareness Week, kits need to by ordered by Aug. 1).
  • We’ll take care of the packaging, shipping and postage. Order as many kits as you’d like, but please make sure you can realistically distribute the requested amount.
  • Kit choices include:
    • Small Kit: 200 brochures, 50 info cards, 10 customizable meeting flyers*. Visit approximately 5 places and leave 30 brochures and 10 info cards at each location.
    • Medium Kit: 300 brochures, 100 info cards, 20 customizable meeting flyers*. Visit approximately 10 places and leave 30 brochures and 10 info cards at each location.
    • Large Kit: 500 brochures, 150 info cards, 30 customizable meeting flyers*. Visit approximately 15 places and leave 30 brochures and 10 info cards at each location.
    • Spanish Kit: 200 brochures, 10 customizable meeting flyers.
  • Need more than the kit sizes available? Order more than one kit!

    *Flyers will not include specific meeting information, instead there will be a spot where facilitators can write in or use a label to include specific meeting information.

Social Media Tips & Tricks!

  • PAL is on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, so please share on ALL your social media.
  • Here are some ways to magnify the impact of your efforts:
    • Share it. Find an Awareness Week post on the PAL Facebook page (@PALGivesHope) and click on “Share” to post it on your Facebook page. Or add it to your reels or stories on Instagram (@PALGivesHope) OR retweet it on Twitter (@PALGivesHope).
    • Personalize it. Add a few words that let your friends know you have a personal connection with PAL.
    • Hashtag it. Before you post, type #PALaware at the end of your comment so anyone can find it.
    • Action it. Give your friends a call to action to like it (or LOVE it!), share it or go to the PAL website to find a group or to start a group.
    • Link it. Give them a place to go for more details like the PAL website
    • Picture it. When you’re distributing materials, post a picture on your social media and add #PALaware to the post.

Local Media

  • Reach out to your local newspaper or TV stations – they’re always looking for feel-good stories.
  • Develop your media list: Find the contact information for your local newspapers, TV stations, and/or radio stations.
  • Research: Research members of the media who previously covered drug overdoses, statistics and the impact of addiction on society.
  • Community Calendars, Public Bulletin Boards, Social Media Pages. Find other areas to post information in your community such as:
      • Schools, colleges, universities
      • Public government buildings or courthouses
      • Churches
      • Youth Centers
      • Health Clubs
      • Libraries
      • Drug Stores (CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid, etc.)
      • Ring and/or Nextdoor App
  • If you want to reach out to a media outlet in your area:
          • Develop your pitch. This is the short story you can tell reporters to convince them they want to learn more.
            • What is the potential story? (Include details about the who, what, when and where.)
            • Why does this story matter?
            • What makes this story newsworthy?
            • How is this story relevant to this media outlet and its audiences?
            • We suggest that you try not to include anything in the email that you wouldn’t want to see in print because reporters can and sometimes do use email content as a quote.
            • Be honest and let the reporter know if you are facing a confidentiality issue.