by PAL | Mar 1, 2025 | A Counselor
Part 1 Have you ever heard people say that an addicted person is really in denial about their problem? Well, I’m here to tell you that I don’t really believe that is usually the case. Sure, they may be denying that fact to you. This much I know to be true. I believe...
by PAL | Dec 1, 2024 | A Counselor
With December upon us and the holidays closing in, it is very important to recognize all the various emotions and thoughts that take place during these last months of the year. The holiday season tends to be commercialized as a time of joy, celebration, and family...
by PAL | Oct 1, 2024 | A Counselor
Feeling helpless and hopeless in trying to save loved ones who believe they do not need help is one of the most disheartening aspects of the disease that families endure in dealing with mental health/addiction. As the growing number of individuals struggling with...
by PAL | Sep 1, 2024 | A Counselor
There are some concepts in the field of addiction and recovery that have become outdated with time. For example, the consensus decades ago was that the only true path to recovery from addiction were 12-Step fellowships (like Alcoholics Anonymous). We now know that...
by PAL | Aug 1, 2024 | A Counselor
Generally, we publish blogs that focus on parents with adult children that are suffering from addiction. This month’s article focuses on teens and how substance abuse gets started and what you can do. We appreciated the message and the resource, and we hope it will...
by PAL | Jul 1, 2024 | A Counselor
Episode 31: Families and Addiction with Dr. Brian Licuanan by Aaron Weiner, PhD Dr. Aaron Weiner, licensed clinical...