Only I can be responsible for my own happiness

Only I can be responsible for my own happiness

​         I will never forget the feelings of worry and fear that consumed me during the early years of my journey with my sons. Over time, I learned from my PAL facilitator and fellow PAL members that if I allowed those feelings to consume me, it...
Drama-Free Holidays

Drama-Free Holidays

​            Journal entry December 25, 2011: “I’m not sure I would have had children if I knew I would have to endure a day like today.” Can you relate to this? There was a time when I would have been too ashamed to share that with you. Since...
Am I being Manipulated?

Am I being Manipulated?

​             Herein lies an irony: the person who is trying to manipulate you views you as having greater strength or power than he or she does. — George H. Green and Carolyn Cotter, Stop Being Manipulated George Green and Carolyn Cotter...
Turning the spotlight on ourselves

Turning the spotlight on ourselves

​           I read in a book by Earnie Larsen* that there is scant difference between an abstaining chemically dependent person and a co-dependent person. Both have living problems, intimacy problems and issues with self-esteem. All these...
Am I a good role model for my adult children?

Am I a good role model for my adult children?

​​ At a recent PAL meeting a distressed mother said, “I’ve cut financial strings, my son no longer lives with me and I’m limiting how many phone calls I take because he only calls when he wants money or is in a crisis, so I guess there is nothing else I can do?” This...
Finding Joy While Waiting

Finding Joy While Waiting

​​ In PAL meetings we often talk about delayed emotional growth as well as delayed gratification. Our loved ones who are battling substance use disorder have tremendous difficulty with both of these behaviors. In the case of many of them, they began using substances...