Am I being Manipulated?

Am I being Manipulated?

​             Herein lies an irony: the person who is trying to manipulate you views you as having greater strength or power than he or she does. — George H. Green and Carolyn Cotter, Stop Being Manipulated George Green and Carolyn Cotter...
Turning the spotlight on ourselves

Turning the spotlight on ourselves

​           I read in a book by Earnie Larsen* that there is scant difference between an abstaining chemically dependent person and a co-dependent person. Both have living problems, intimacy problems and issues with self-esteem. All these...
Am I a good role model for my adult children?

Am I a good role model for my adult children?

​​ At a recent PAL meeting a distressed mother said, “I’ve cut financial strings, my son no longer lives with me and I’m limiting how many phone calls I take because he only calls when he wants money or is in a crisis, so I guess there is nothing else I can do?” This...
Finding Joy While Waiting

Finding Joy While Waiting

​​ In PAL meetings we often talk about delayed emotional growth as well as delayed gratification. Our loved ones who are battling substance use disorder have tremendous difficulty with both of these behaviors. In the case of many of them, they began using substances...
Don’t quit before the miracle happens

Don’t quit before the miracle happens

Don’t quit five minutes before the miracle. When parents attend their first meeting at PAL or any other support group, they often come in with a range of feelings and mindsets (denial, guilt, anger, etc.), but what all parents have in common when they reach out for...
Am I a good role model for my adult children?

The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Grease

​ It is natural for parents to respond when their children struggle. When parents become aware that their child is experiencing discomfort, they instinctively take steps to try and help. Whether the issue is with illness, emotional distress, financial problems,...