A Difficult but Valuable Lesson to Learn

A Difficult but Valuable Lesson to Learn

There are many lessons to be learned as we travel down the path of life with an addicted loved one. Some lessons are obvious; some are more subtle. Some lessons are about addiction. Some are about the addict. Still other lessons are about us. Almost all these lessons...
Disconnect to Reconnect

Disconnect to Reconnect

Recently, I’ve found myself glued to social media and the news. And as I sit here tonight, thinking about my life, about yours, about us, humanity as a whole, I have to wonder: What good have these platforms done for us? Is the constant feed of 24/7 news coverage...
Hope comes from the changes you make as a parent

Hope comes from the changes you make as a parent

My husband and I both were raised in stable households. We have two kids – a girl and a boy – and we enjoyed so much together as a family. We were boaters and the kids waterskied, rode ATVs, hiked, and cooked meals together. We had big family cookouts nearly once a...
Judging Yesterday’s Action with Today’s Information

Judging Yesterday’s Action with Today’s Information

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Looking for a surefire way to ruin your day, month, year, even all your golden years? Try this… let’s judge yesterday’s actions with today’s information. Take what you know today, with all your experience and knowledge; then look...
I knew what I had to do but I was so afraid to do it.

I knew what I had to do but I was so afraid to do it.

Life never turns out the way our parents plan for us or the way we plan for ourselves. I was 21 when my mom had my brother, Jacob. He was the baby of five kids and the only boy. So, it was easy for him to steal our hearts. Our mom worked a lot and depended on us three...
Leash Law

Leash Law

LEASH LAWS A few months ago, a friend of my wife and I told a story about her dog, Billie.  They were at a coffee shop patio enjoying a morning coffee and a “puppuccino.”  Billie noticed another canine coffee-lover and tried to walk over and say “Hi.”  But try as he...