The Spirit of Friendship

The Spirit of Friendship

I spent a good portion of my life isolated. Consistent feelings of shame and guilt underpinned my thoughts, my actions, and informed most of the relationships I had left. The disease of addiction became a vicious cycle, endlessly attempting to drown those “negative”...
Five Mantras for Parents of Addicted Loved Ones

Five Mantras for Parents of Addicted Loved Ones

The road to recovery can be long and arduous for many. Looking at the statistics, it can often take many attempts and relapses to finally reach long-term recovery. As a result, family members of the addicted loved one can become discouraged, cynical, frustrated, and...
This isn’t forever

This isn’t forever

There will be times in our lives where we will feel overwhelmed. Angry. Sad. Disappointed. All facets of emotion with equal footing in the vastness of our human experience. More so than any year I can remember in my recovery, these troublesome and weary feelings have...
Finding Hope

Finding Hope

Last August, I bottomed out. I was desperately looking for help in coping with my 23-year-old daughter’s heroin addiction. She violated her bail (which I posted), continued to use (while in my home), was sent to county jail where she went through withdrawal and now is...
Round Eight…fighting for sobriety

Round Eight…fighting for sobriety

“Here we go again.” Those caustic words rang loudly in my head. They were like the sound of a fight bell signaling the start of another brutal round.  Round Eight, actually. After relapsing once again, my 27-year old son has just begun his eighth round of treatment in...
Acceptance and Faith are Salvation

Acceptance and Faith are Salvation

Fundamentally, humans want a reason. They want to know why something is the way it is. Over time we’ve become remarkably adept as a race at researching, scientifically scrutinizing, and assigning reason to an infinite array of concepts, peoples, behaviors, places, and...