It’s Difficult to Stay Calm

It’s Difficult to Stay Calm

Panic is infectious. When the energy surrounding you is charged with fear, anxiety, hopelessness, and agitation, it can be extremely difficult to retain a calm and collected demeanor. Even the most spiritually strong and resolved among us can find ourselves carried...


Notes on PAL Video with Kim Humphrey, PAL Executive Director and Ron Paterik, MA, LISAC By Facilitator Jill Spike Notes follow video you can view the video on YouTube here: What do we do to handle stress during these difficult times? Let...
Don’t discount your failures

Don’t discount your failures

“Everyone’s got a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” While Mike Tyson may be a controversial figure in pop culture and the sports world, this quote has always hit close to home with me. Even the best laid plans can be rendered useless in the face of an adverse...
How To Love An Addicted Loved One

How To Love An Addicted Loved One

Living life with an addicted loved one can often feel like you’re trapped on a rollercoaster you never wanted to ride on in the first place.  The continuous ups, downs, and spirals can feel jarring in every way possible.  For parents of addicted loved ones, worst case...
How long is the journey?

How long is the journey?

“They knew they were pilgrims… so they committed themselves to the will of God and resolved to proceed.”  -William Bradford Occasionally someone will ask me, “How long do you think you’ll need to attend/facilitate a PAL meeting?” After eight years it is probably a...
We Needed Support Too

We Needed Support Too

The first time we met with treatment counselors, we were trying to determine what type of program we were going to put Jonathon in. Because this was his first incident, we had no idea what we were up against. I mean, all teenagers experiment right? Their frontal lobe...