Human Nature

Human Nature

Human nature, it would seem, can be innately self-centered. Not necessarily in the sense of a child throwing a fit when they don’t get what they want; but in the way that our thoughts tend to be geared inward, toward ourselves when left unchecked. In recovery, I’ve...
My Personal Bill of Rights

My Personal Bill of Rights

There are any number of ways to look at the topic of boundaries; many are helpful, and some are confusing.  One of the more useful tools I use with my clients when discussing boundaries is the “My Personal Bill of Rights” handout. Below is a copy with some follow-up...
What’s your catalyst for change? 

What’s your catalyst for change? 

At the beginning of 2019 I made a resolution to run. For health, for fitness, and overall general well-being. I had always enjoyed hiking and walking over the years and was looking to get into a positive healthy habit to get in shape and lose some weight. Now, if you...
Healing from Codependency

Healing from Codependency

A new year (and new decade!) naturally brings with it the tendency to reassess and realign our intentions and goals.  We have all probably set New Year’s resolutions with the full intention of keeping them, only to find ourselves back in old patterns within a few days...
What does resentment accomplish? 

What does resentment accomplish? 

During the holidays, we may find ourselves in situations that spark resentment and fear. This is often due to the close proximity we find ourselves with family and friends, or nostalgic feelings of idealized closeness and comfort that are not always realistic. When...
Having a Healthy Holiday

Having a Healthy Holiday

Last week I had the unique experience of participating in a Facebook Live conversation with PAL parents from around the country.  The topic was Coping with Holiday Stress.  The questions were excellent and while we did our best to answer them, there is never...